Toy Defects Checklist
Prevent injury before it happens:
- Stay updated on toy recalls. Websites such as Safe Kids provide recall alerts, safety tips, and databases of past recalls.
- Minimize choking risks by keeping small objects away from small children.
- Check the intended age on a toy’s packaging and only buy age-appropriate toys for your children
- If a toy or other product has cords or strings, keep it away from small children.
- Check clothing to make sure buttons are secure.
- Closely supervise children when they are playing.
If your child’s toy has been recalled due to the presence of lead:
- Call your child’s pediatrician to discuss the need for a blood lead test. Low levels of lead exposure may not cause visible symptoms of lead poisoning. A blood test is the only way to be certain your child has not ingested lead.
- Put the toy in a safe place where the child cannot access it. Check the recall notice for specific directions on what to do with the toy.
If your child has been injured by a toy’s defective design or manufacturing:
- Preserve the toy. Once stored, do not allow the toy to be touched or change until an expert can examine it.
- If pieces of the toy have broken off, gather them and store them safely with the rest of the toy.
- Photograph any injuries your child has suffered.
- Consider retaining a qualified expert to inspect the toy.