Blog Content & Organization
The left column of this blog is divided into several topics which contain overviews and discussions concerning potential claims in auto cases. The topics are further subdivided to provide guidelines for investigating potential claims which are tailored to each of the five primary defect topic areas: 1) Auto Fires; 2) Air Bag Defects; 3) Helmet Defects; 4) Rollovers; and 5) Seat Belt Defects. Each of these five topics has a subdivision that provides you with a DEFECT CHECKLIST for that topic area. The Checklists are designed for you to use as a guide to enable you, your support staff, and/or your investigator to recognize the potential defect claims when investigating a motor vehicle accident. The checklist covers four areas of investigation: (1) the vehicle; (2) the occupants and witnesses; (3) the scene; and (4) research, as they apply to a particular type of defect.
There is also a section dealing with recent appellate decisions, jury verdicts, and settlements in the area of products liability, specifically relating to auto defect cases. This blog contains the full text of all appellate cases cited herein that pertain to products liability cases. Simply scroll your cursor over the item, click on it, and the full text will appear.
The right column of this website contains an area where you can enter your e-mail address and subscribe to this blog in order to receive automatic e-mail notifications when new posts or information are added to this blog (approximately once per week). Below the subscription area is a list of categories, which compiles and organizes information from the posts into categories for easy review over time.